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You're in great hands


Each patient will be treated one-on-one with your physical therapist. Our therapists will take the time to get a full patient history and to listen to your personal concerns and goals. Our therapists will do a full evaluation of your musculoskeletal system, functional movement, and gait focusing on the problem areas. This will take place in a private room setting so that our patients feel comfortable. Please be sure to wear clothing that will allow our therapists to access and evaluate any injury. Our patients leave their sessions with a good understanding of the cause of the injury and a personalized treatment plan to get you back on the road to recovery. 

If you are unsure if you need physical therapy or any of our other services, please call to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY INJURY SCREEN to discuss your concerns and goals with one of our physical therapists.


Accepted Insurance:

•  Blue Cross Blue Shield
•  Aetna
•  Medicare


Let's get started